"I was looking for options to repair my bunion feet with the least amount of physical trauma as possible. Thank you, Dr. Wu, for introducing Syndesmosis to me."
One innovative surgical procedure
Correcting feet of all bunion severities
Using the principles of preservation
Restoring form & function
For truly unrestricted activity & footwear
At our bunion-specific clinic, we want to change how bunions are fundamentally understood, and, therefore, corrected. Much of what you’ll read on our Bunion Clinic HK website is based on immense research and leverages the most current studies and innovations in our field, all dedicated to the correction of bunion deformity.
After 35 years of consistent and predictable results, the mission of our bunion Hong Kong center is simple: To help patients and doctors find a better way to healthy, bunion-free feet. To do that, our bunion HK center has refined a long-neglected and holistic way to treat bunions, which involves maximal correction of the underlying pathology and minimal surgical trauma during correction.
One simple living structure in our foot can solve alignment problems that affect over 160 moving parts. That simple structure is a ligament.
The syndesmosis procedure – is designed to induce the growth of a new ligament to replace the incompetent existing ligaments causing the bunion deformity. Traditional procedures are centered around modifying the shape of bones or joints to compensate for the failed ligaments. Our bunion specific clinic, on the other hand, believes in creating an environment where your body can essentially help itself.
Leonardo da Vinci said, “The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.” At our bunion clinic in HK, we want to help restore your feet back to their originally intended form and function through our comprehensive bunion treatment programme. Bunions are also known as “hallux valgus”. To appreciate the scope of the treatment and procedure offered by our bunion Hong Kong center, you must first consider how the treatment actually works.
Traditionally, bunion deformity is treated by working on the bones that get enlarged as a result of the condition. But, any deviation or trauma to a single bone or joint will forever disrupt this highly evolved system. This can cause injuries that prevent its optimal functioning. Following a less traumatic method to bring your bones and joints back into alignment is ideal to ensure your foot health is preserved in the long run. That’s exactly what we seek to do here for patients, at our bunion Hong Kong clinic.
One simple living structure in our foot can solve alignment problems that affect over 160 moving parts. That simple structure is a ligament.
Syndesmosis – A technique utilized by our bunion doctor in HK, is designed to induce the growth of a new ligament within the foot. Traditional procedures are centered around sacrificing a healthy bone or joint to treat bunion HK patients. Our bunion specific clinic, on the other hand, believes in creating an environment where your body can essentially cure itself. Our approach creates healthy, self-generated soft tissue within your bunion foot, along with over 100 others that already exist.
At our bunion clinic in HK, we harness and put into practice the findings of cutting-edge bunion research. In the past century, there were over 150 different techniques that have been developed to treat bunion deformity all over the world. However, the new techniques were introduced to correct the shortcomings of older techniques, without truly addressing a bunion’s root cause. Unsurprisingly, they resulted in more shortcomings because they treat only the symptom and not the actual problem. At our bunion Hong Kong center, we believe the solution lies in the common Chinese saying to “treat according to pathology.”
The decision to undergo a surgical procedure – regardless of its kind – is a big decision indeed. With so much inconsistent online information on bunion in Hong Kong, we aim to help you cut through the clutter so that you can gain and understand the necessary information to help you make the decision that is right for your long-term health.
When you visit our bunion doctor in HK, we explore the root of your current bunion deformity. You can learn about various options on treating bunion in Hong Kong, and decide if our procedure is the right choice for you. Our bunion specific clinic will also help you know what to expect prior to the procedure, during the procedure as well as during recovery.
Even if you live in a place where Syndesmosis bunion treatment is not readily available yet, let our guides help you in your knowledge journey. You can visit us for consultation on your condition, or if you would like our bunion doctor in HK to guide you through the treatment options and process.
"I was looking for options to repair my bunion feet with the least amount of physical trauma as possible. Thank you, Dr. Wu, for introducing Syndesmosis to me."
"After the procedure, my bunion feet healed and became just fine. I have regained flexibility, functionality and I walk pain-free every day.”
"After my experience, I really hope non-bone-breaking bunion HK treatment becomes the new standard in treating such conditions."
"I was a former bunion Hong Kong patient. After the procedure, I was able to wear 4-inch high heels to attend my 55th high school reunion gathering, thanks to your bunion specific clinic!"
"My bunion feet were causing me severe knee pains, and after treatment by your bunion doctor in HK, it has disappeared. I can now do the activities that I couldn’t do before."
“Your bunion clinic in HK has made my chronic back pain of 20 years go away. I have a newfound appreciation for how it’s all connected. Thank you.”
Our bunion clinic in HK has published several evidence-based studies, but our 35 years of bunion patient stories speak for themselves.
With years of experience in studying and treating bunion deformity, Dr. Daniel Wu first encountered an Italian bunion procedure called “Osteodesis” during his surgical residency at McMaster University back in 1980. Realizing bunions are actually a ligament issue, Osteodesis made complete sense to him as an advantageous bunion treatment. This chance encounter would go on to shape Dr. Wu's passion for and devotion to the further advancement of our Syndesmosis procedure today. If you’d like to consult with a bunion doctor in HK, please contact Dr. Wu to schedule an appointment.